Herndon High School
700 Bennett St, Herndon, VA 20170
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Student Membership Demographics and Supplemental Programs (as of June for each school year)
Enrollment 2021-22
# % # % # %
General Education 2,082 90.56 2,105 90.42 2,089 90.91
English Learner Services 686 29.84 737 31.66 720 31.33
Special Education Services 347 15.09 362 15.55 383 16.67
Enrollment Graph    
Ethnicity 2021-22
# % # % # %
Asian 219 9.53 197 8.46 200 8.70
Black (Not Of Hispanic Origin) 154 6.70 158 6.79 147 6.40
Hispanic Or Latino 1,136 49.41 1,199 51.50 1,207 52.52
White (Not Of Hispanic Origin) 694 30.19 672 28.87 640 27.85
Other 96 4.18 102 4.38 104 4.53
Ethnicity Graph    
Grade Level 2021-22
# % # % # %
Grade 9 (Freshman) 689 29.97 607 26.07 627 27.28
Grade 10 (Sophomore) 522 22.71 666 28.61 555 24.15
Grade 11 (Junior) 578 25.14 523 22.47 626 27.24
Grade 12 (Senior) 510 22.18 531 22.81 490 21.32
Postgraduate NANA NANA 1 0.04 NANA NANA
Grade Level Graph    
English Proficiency 2021-22
# % # % # %
English Learner 687 29.88 741 31.83 728 31.68
English Proficient 1,612 70.12 1,587 68.17 1,570 68.32
English Proficiency Graph    
Free/Reduced - Priced Meals 2021-22
# % # % # %
Free Or Reduced Fees 1,149 49.98 1,131 48.58 1,270 55.27
No Fee Waiver 1,150 50.02 1,197 51.42 1,028 44.73
Free/Reduced - Priced Meals Graph    
Mobility Rate 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
% % %
Division 12.37 13.79 13.25
School 17.24 18.36 17.21
Mobility Rate Graph