Fort Belvoir Primary Elementary School
5980 Meeres Road, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
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    U.S. Patent No. 6,915,286 
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LaZedrick Jemison

School Summary

The original Fort Belvoir Elementary School (FBES), A Fairfax County Public School, opened its doors in September 1998. Located on the Fort Belvoir Army Installation, our campus continues to serve military-connected students from all five branches of service: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard who live on Fort Belvoir.  The original school, Fort Belvoir Elementary, replaced three former elementary schools on the military installation (Cheney, Markham, and Barden), which closed in June 1998, creating one of the largest elementary schools within Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) and the Washington Metropolitan area.

In the summer of 2014, FCPS was awarded $23,798,603 in grant federal funds by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) which was combined with $5,949,651 in non-federal matching funds to construct a new elementary school facility next door to our existing school, creating two schools side-by-side on our single campus. The grant funded some renovations at our existing school site (now Fort Belvoir Upper School), as well as construction of a new school building (now Fort Belvoir Primary School), outfitted as a modern school with flexible learning spaces. The Fort Belvoir Elementary Campus expansion created a total available instructional capacity for approximately 1,594 students and measures 228,254 square feet in size, making it the largest elementary school campus within FCPS and the Washington Metropolitan area. We are one of four “Paired Schools” relationships in FCPS, alongside McNair Primary/Upper, Bailey’s Primary/Upper, and Kings Park/Kings Glen.  Fort Belvoir Primary serves students in Grades PK-2, and Fort Belvoir Upper serves students in Grades 3-6.

Fort Belvoir Primary’s and Upper’s facilities are fully networked and equipped with the latest technologies: iPADS, document cameras, SMARTBoards, multiple wireless mobile and stationary computer labs, and laptops found within each classroom, which immerse students in tools for the digital age. Staff members participate in ongoing training to naturally embed instructional technology tools into day-to-day instruction. 

Fort Belvoir Primary and Upper have been the recipient of several STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) grants from the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA), which provide for extended learning for students after-school and during the summer. Our elementary campus has a STEAM Lab, Science Center and a STEAM resource teacher providing inquiry-based hands-on lessons to all students.  Fort Belvoir Elementary Campus also has outdoor classrooms that include native plant gardens and vegetable gardens that enable students to collect authentic data. The STEAM programming is enhanced through our STEAM Innovative Pyramid of Schools, relationships with business partners and professionals that continue to support teachers in making connections to STEAM careers.

Fort Belvoir Primary and Upper provide special education programming and Advanced Academic programs serve students in Pre-K through Grade 6 and provide varied supports for students qualifying for services. 

At the Upper School, Band, Strings, and Choral programs are offered to develop and support our budding musicians. Student leadership is nurtured through such programs as Safety Patrols, Student Council Association, Peer Mediators and our in-house morning news shows in both schools. 

Our PTO continues to support strong home/school partnerships and offers extra-curricular activities in a variety of ways to include, but not limited to a Scholastic Book Fair, a Parent Volunteer Program, evening events, an annual carnival, and Spirit Wear.  Dedicated volunteers support all aspects of school-based operations.

We are proud to be “Two Schools-One Campus.”  We are “Better Together!”

Last Updated: 2020-06-30

Enrollment Enrollment as of February 202425: 728
Grades Preschool, K-2
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2022-01-14
Special Features
  • Advanced Mathematics
  • Career Fair
  • Global Awareness Technology Project (GATP)
  • Inclusion Model
  • Military Family Recognition & Partnerships
    • Purple Star School Recognition by VDOE
    • Character Education Programs
    • Armed Forces Foundation (AFF) School Counselor
    • School-based Behavioral Health Program (Community Hospital Partnership)
    • Parenting Programs
  • Peer Mediation
  • Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
  • Professional Learning Community
  • Responsive Classroom (RC)
  • Responsive Instruction (RI)
  • Safety Patrols
  • STEAM Innovative Pyramid School
  • STEAM Program (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math)
    • Science & STEAM Fair
    • STEAM Family Day
    • Kids Lab STEAM Enrichment After School and Summer Programming
  • Student Council Association (SCA)
  • Student-Produced Morning Television News Show (WFBES)
Last Updated: 2020-06-30
Business Partnership
Attendance Area

This school is part of Region 3 and the Mount Vernon High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.