Poe Middle School
7000 Cindy Ln, Annandale, VA 22003
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Student Membership Demographics and Supplemental Programs (as of June for each school year)
Enrollment 2021-22
# % # % # %
General Education 695 78.71 689 77.94 708 77.38
Advanced Academics - Level IV 73 8.27 75 8.48 80 8.74
Middle Advanced Academics - Levels I,II,III 193 21.86 211 23.87 189 20.66
English Learner Services 339 38.39 418 47.29 502 54.86
Special Education Services 158 17.89 158 17.87 161 17.60
Enrollment Graph    
Ethnicity 2021-22
# % # % # %
Asian 152 17.21 126 14.25 119 13.01
Black (Not Of Hispanic Origin) 74 8.38 61 6.90 60 6.56
Hispanic Or Latino 534 60.48 580 65.61 608 66.45
White (Not Of Hispanic Origin) 109 12.34 103 11.65 110 12.02
Other 14 1.59 14 1.58 18 1.97
Ethnicity Graph    
Grade Level 2021-22
# % # % # %
Grade 6 294 33.30 287 32.47 297 32.46
Grade 7 285 32.28 302 34.16 304 33.22
Grade 8 304 34.43 295 33.37 314 34.32
Grade Level Graph    
English Proficiency 2021-22
# % # % # %
English Learner 340 38.51 419 47.40 504 55.08
English Proficient 543 61.49 465 52.60 411 44.92
English Proficiency Graph    
Free/Reduced - Priced Meals 2021-22
# % # % # %
Free Or Reduced Fees 648 73.39 507 57.35 569 62.19
No Fee Waiver 235 26.61 377 42.65 346 37.81
Free/Reduced - Priced Meals Graph    
Mobility Rate 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
% % %
Division 12.37 13.79 13.25
School 15.76 22.00 22.94
Mobility Rate Graph