Heber Paredes [email protected]
School SummaryLynbrook Elementary School, located within central Springfield, serves a richly diverse learning community. Lynbrook provides a quality education for all students, valuing diverse learning styles and community culture in a safe and nurturing learning environment. Our students' academic, social and emotional learning is supported utilizing research based,developmentally appropriate instructional strategies. Technology within the classroom enhances student learning.
School improvement is continuous and involves students, staff, families and our Springfield community. Short term and long term student achievement improvement goals are determined analyzing a variety of assessment tools to include school based and FCPS formative benchmark assessments and Virginia Standards of Learning test results data.
A continuum of educational services are provided, focusing on individual student needs. Students, staff, families and community work collaboratively for student success. Families are encouraged to participate in PTA support events. Informational curriculum family nights, community social events, concerts, student programs and cultural events enhance and support learning.
Last Updated: 2019-02-01