Matthew Mough[email protected]
School SummaryDiligent Excellence: Every Child, Every Day! That is our motto at Mark Twain Middle School. We are diligently committed to excellence as we work with parents and the community in providing every child with a supportive and challenging learning environment. All students are empowered to achieve the highest academic standards necessary to become independent, responsible, and productive citizens. Our mission is to provide a safe environment which nurtures each student's ability to learn and experience success. Our core beliefs and values are as follows:
Mark Twain Middle School holds that each and every child is capable of learning when we provide the time, expert educators, and a variety of ways in which each child will acquire and demonstrate new knowledge.
Mark Twain Middle School believes in working collaboratively with our colleagues, parents, FCPS specialists and community members to create a healthy and supportive learning environment through data-informed decision making, consideration of educational research and evidence, and implementation of best instructional practices.
Mark Twain Middle School believes in holding high expectations for every child every day and by nurturing each student's sense of belonging and ownership in our school.
Mark Twain Middle School believes in celebrating the academic and behavioral successes of students as we lead them to be responsible citizens who will have a positive impact on the world.
Our students are assigned to one of our 6 teams of approximately 125 students. We have ESOL and Special Education 7th and 8th Grade Teams as well. Each team is coordinated by three core teachers (English, science and social studies), a guidance counselor and an administrator. The purpose of teams is to create smaller learning communities within the large school setting. Teams also provide special events and positive recognition for students. Our rigorous electives program works in tandem with the core teams to build, strengthen, and reinforce student achievement, positive self-concept and health.
Our "block" schedule allows students to attend all seven classes on Mondays, while spending longer periods of time in classes on Tuesdays through Fridays. This ensures students go "deeper" with content, have extended periods of time to practice new skills, and engage in complex reflection and making meaning out of the content within each instructional session. It also provides staff with common time to focus on goals, planning, and data analysis to ensure each child is successful academically, socially, and emotionally. During each block period day, Mark Twain MS has Extended Learning Time. This time is dedicated to providing specific intervention to students who need more support. It is also dedicated to providing silent, sustained reading time for students. The research is clear: students should strive to read for 45 minutes every day. Families are reminded of this research as they carve out time at home to support their child's success and future.
Our afterschool program boasts more than 25 clubs and activities for students focused on building academic, leadership, athletic, artistic, musical, and creative skills among our student body. Late bus transportation is provided three days a week in addition to our Tuesday and Friday program which runs until 6:00 pm with parent pickup.
Lastly, communication is key at Mark Twain Middle School. Our award-winning website, weekly Keep in Touch (KIT) Parent/Community email message from the principal, and FCPS 24-7 (Blackboard) pages (updated once a week by staff members) ensure that community members are informed about the goals and successes of Mark Twain Middle School. PTA hosts events for students and provides financial support for instruction and for school reform initiatives in order to continue to allow us to meet the needs of students.
Diligent Excellence: Every Child, Every Day!
Last Updated: 2019-02-01