Sandburg Middle School
8428 Fort Hunt Rd, Alexandria, VA 22308
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Eric Underhill
[email protected]

School Summary

At Carl Sandburg Middle School, We are Panthers in Pursuit of Excellence.  It is our philosophy that each of our students is working toward individual goals, and they are Panthers in Pursuit. As a school, we are in pursuit of academic excellence for all students. Our work has contributed to increased success and performance in student academic achievement, the closing of achievement gaps in areas of state accreditation, a reduction in disproportionate discipline, an increase in equitable practices, and a decrease in chronic absenteeism. 

Carl Sandburg Middle School enjoys and celebrates the diversity of its student population and community. It is a vibrant place. Working together, Staffulty members have forged an instructional program that stimulates the development of a wide range of abilities and interests and promotes excellence in all facets of the school's educational program. This is possible through our intentionally designed interdisciplinary house model and master schedule that provides staff with common planning time and interdisciplinary planning time.  Staff members are committed to ensuring that each student acquires the skills and knowledge they need to become well-adjusted, responsible, and contributing adults as they achieve their full potential. 

We recognize and honor our students and staff's achievements regularly throughout the school year. Our student of the month recognition program allows members of our school community to highlight the contributions and strengths our students bring to our school each day.  We have celebration programs for student academic achievement through The Principal's Award for Academic Excellence (All A Honor Roll) and the Principal's Award for Academic Achievement (All AB Honor Roll).    

Carl Sandburg Middle School utilizes the middle school model of interdisciplinary teams called houses.  This structure provides students with the opportunity to build and sustain relationships with students and teachers who attend core subjects within their house.  Our house system supports our school's focus on multi-tiered systems of support while providing all students with challenging and rigorous academic coursework within their house.  Honors and advanced academic coursework are available in each house. 

Sandburg provides students with a wide array of electives aimed at providing students with rich learning experiences, career exploration and constructive and practical learning experiences that will contribute to their future success. 

Our After-School Program and athletics program help students develop physically, mentally, and socially. By leveraging opportunities for student leadership and voice, our after-school program is crafted annually around the interests and needs of our students. Our coaches, club sponsors, and program supervisors work diligently to develop and sustain a program that meets the evolving needs and interests of the 21st-century learner.  

Carl Sandburg Middle School meets the individual needs of students through a variety of structured programs and services such as, Special Education, Multilingual, and Advanced Academic Services. Additionally, Carl Sandburg Middle School has a comprehensive Student Services Department that supports social emotional wellness, mental health, academic advising, and affinity group services. 

Sandburg Middle School's success is the result of the successful interaction of school, home, and community. By emphasizing academic excellence, critical and creative thinking, responsible behavior, and acceptance of individual differences, staff members are jointly meeting the students' needs.  

Sandburg is the lead sponsor of the West Potomac Pyramid Parent Project Class that brings parents and guardians together to learn about the education system, community needs and priorities, connects communities to resources, and provides opportunities for parents to meet members of our school leadership teams as we collaborate on our students' continued success and education.  This past school year, Sandburg sponsored the largest Parent Project Class in FCPS, with parents participating from each of our schools within our West Potomac community. 

Last Updated: 2024-09-27

Enrollment Enrollment as of February 202425: 1405
Grades 7-8
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2022-01-14
Special Features
  • Cross Country Team (Fall)
  • Track and Field (Spring)
  • Rotating Block Schedule (Odd/Even) with a daily 5th period.
  • Daily advisory period that features weekly Responsive Advisory Meeting (RAM)
  • Morning Student Announcement Crew (Sandburg Anchors)
  • After-School Clubs and Activities
  • Academic Academy
  • Schoology for homework and student, parent, teacher communication
  • Comprehensive Visual and Fine Arts program
  • Performing Arts program that includes, theatre, guitar, band, orchestra, and chorus
  • Expanded Engineering Program
  • Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID) program for 7th and 8th grade, each with a unique learning experience for students
  • Advanced mathematics offerings to include Algebra I for 7th Graders, Honors Geometry for 8th graders
  • Advanced Academics Level IV Program
  • Honors level classes - English, Math, Science, Social Studies
  • Positive Behavior Support (PBIS)
  • Professional Learning Communities
  • Quarterly School-Wide Pep Rallies
  • National Junior Honor Society
  • School-Wide Literacy Focus (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Reasoning)
  • Mentor Works Program that connects students with mentors
  • Student affinity groups focused on service and leadership
  • Student Government Association
  • Jostens Renaissance Group for Student Leadership and School Spirit
  • Yearbook and Publication
  • Expanded world language options to include Spanish Immersion, French, and German
  • Student-led 8th-grade promotion ceremonies and end of year celebrations
  • Support Programs:
    • Action Literacy
    • Language
    • Math 180
    • Read 180
  • Work Awareness Transition (WAT) Program

After-School Program

  • Arabic
  • Academic Academy
  • Basketball
  • Book Club
  • Chess Club
  • Crafty Cooks
  • Creative Writing
  • Crochet
  • Debate
  • Drama
  • Dungeons and Dragons
  • Extended Day Program
  • Flag Football
  • Gaming
  • Hispanic Dance & Culture Club
  • History Club
  • Homework Help Club
  • Improv
  • Makers Space
  • Pawsitivity Helpful Squad
  • Soccer
  • Spanish Club
  • Student Council Association
  • Volleyball
  • Weight Training
Last Updated: 2024-09-27
Business Partnership
Attendance Area

This school is part of Region 3 and the West Potomac High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.