Sherry Shin[email protected]
School SummaryMason Crest Staff Collective Commitments
In order to honor and advance our shared purpose, vision, and goals, we pledge to honor the following collective commitments. We will:
- identify and teach the agreed-upon essential standards and adhere to the curriculum pacing established by the team.
- create clear learning outcomes and encourage students to strive for an understanding of what they can do with that knowledge.
- foster growth mindset in order to encourage innovation and positive risk-taking for all students and adults.
- create common formative assessments and administer them according to the team's agreed-upon timeline.
- use the results from our common assessments to improve our individual and collective practice and to meet the extension and intervention needs of our students.
- contribute to an effective system of intervention and extension while providing enrichment opportunities to all.
- be positive contributing members of the schoolwide team as we work interdependently using common language to achieve shared goals and demonstrate mutual accountability.
- communicate among all stakeholders, provide families with ongoing information and offer specific ideas and materials to help families become full partners in the education of their children.
- embrace shared responsibilities and help others grow in their leadership responsibilities.
- contribute to a culture of celebration by acknowledging the efforts and achievements of our students and colleagues as we continually strive for even greater success.
- support a schoolwide community that meets the developmentally appropriate social-emotional and behavior needs of all students.
- agree to common behavioral expectations, model and teach that behavior, and consistently reinforce our expectations.
- come to our work each day as the best versions of ourselves.
- respect all points of view and honor the individual and unique qualities of our colleagues.
- maintain the confidentiality and dignity of our students by honoring their individual and unique qualities while not using labels to define them.
Last Updated: 2019-02-01