Cooper Middle School
977 Balls Hill Rd, McLean, VA 22101
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    U.S. Patent No. 6,915,286 
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Marti Jackson (Interim)
[email protected]

School Summary

James Fennimore Cooper Middle School, established in 1962, serves students in the communities of Great Falls, McLean, and small areas of Vienna, Reston, and Herndon.

The Cooper community supports the growth of all students to think critically and function as empathetic, respectful, and responsible global citizens.

Cooper Middle School creates a caring culture for families, students, and staff.  We are committed to collaborating with one another to meet the academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs of our students.  We integrate meaningful learning experiences which foster students’ curiosity and develop their communication and collaborative skills.

Our approach centers on the whole child with the goal of helping students:

  • Achieve high academic standards in a highly-engaged learning environment
  • Develop timeless character qualities
  • Learn responsibility
  • Value perseverance and persistence (growth-mindset)
  • Grow socially and emotionally

We are committed to fostering an atmosphere conducive to learning where students and teachers enjoy coming to school. Our goal is to have a school climate that emulates caring, kindness, respect, and responsibility and provides a safe environment free from intimidation and bullying.

Woven throughout the daily education of our students is the strong support from parents and the community. By working collaboratively, we have a greater chance to liberate the talent, genius, and goodness of each child.

Last Updated: 2019-07-15

Enrollment Enrollment as of January 202425: 1013
Grades 7-8
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2022-01-14
Special Features

Academic Competitions- American Math Competition 8 and 10, Math Counts, Model UN, Science Olympiad

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program - part of our learning environment where students are encouraged to use their personally owned devices to access course content online

Cooper Time - time built into the school day to provide executive functioning skills

Empathy/Kindness Initiative - school-wide focus on explicit teaching and modeling of these character traits

Green Initiative - school-wide recycling and up-cycling program

International Night - students and families share their cultural heritage and love for world language

Leadership Opportunities - Peer Helping Program, Student Government Association

Advanced Academics - emphasis on interdisciplinary learning

Literary Arts Program - Glimmerglass literary magazine, The Hawkeye newspaper, and Pathfinder yearbook

Mobile Team Challenge - an experiential, team-building approach designed to foster critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity to support the learning and emotional needs of students

Project Based Learning - an inquiry-based teaching method in which students work for a sustained period of time to investigate and respond to a real-world challenge, problem, or complex question while learning and applying success skills

Students develop critical and creative thinking skills through participation in a project that emphasizes process over product and is designed to foster students' growth as thinkers and learners

Student Recognition Programs - Student of the Month Program, Year End Awards Ceremonies

Summer Programs - Literacy and Numeracy boot camps

Theatre Program - productions in the fall and spring

Last Updated: 2019-07-15
Business Partnership
Attendance Area

This school is part of Region 1 and the Langley High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.