Jim Patrick[email protected]
School SummaryLongfellow Middle School has a reputation for academic excellence with statewide and nationally recognized accomplishments: 2019 Governor's Award for Excellence in Education which we received nine out of the last ten years. Our mission is to inspire excellence by supporting the growth and well-being of each member of the Longfellow community.
Longfellow Middle School provides a traditional school structure including a seven period school day plus a 22 minute Lancer Time for remediation and enrichment. All students are part of an academic team comprised of teachers in English, social studies, science, and a counselor. All teachers are expected to incorporate the Portrait of a Graduate skills of Communicator, Collaborator, Ethical and Global Citizen, Creative and Critical Thinker, and Goal-Directed and Resilient Individual. Emphasis is placed on making each academic area (the advanced academic center, the honors program, special education, English for Speakers of Other Languages) the best program it can be. Our curriculum also stresses the importance of service learning and lifelong learning skills. All students are supported in ways that challenge and support them to reach their full potential.
Our welcoming, supportive, and safe school environment is enhanced by our Sources of Strength and Positivity Project Programs. Our Lancer Code is: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe. These programs promote a sense of community in a school where fifty-eight plus languages are spoken in the homes of our students. Parental involvement is critical to the success of each child and the Longfellow school community. The school's PTA contributes to the benefit of all school citizens through financial support and advisement to the principal. The school has a wide-ranging after-school activities program. View a comprehensive list of Longfellow's activities, clubs, and organizations.
Last Updated: 2019-10-29
Enrollment |
Enrollment as of February 202425: 1234 |
Grades |
7-8 |
FCPS Programs |
Last Updated: 2022-10-19 |
Special Features |
- Academic Competitions - American Math Competition 8 and 10, Debate, Math Counts, Model UN, Odyssey of the Mind, Quiz Bowl, Science Bowl, Science Olympiad
- All-Honors Model - academic program intended to ensure that all students are given the opportunity to excel and challenge themselves in English, science, and social studies Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program - part of our learning environment where students are encouraged to use their personally owned devices to access course content online within the classroom
- Green Initiative - Green Flag award winning eco-action team
- Heritage Night - students and families share their cultural heritage and love for world language
- Lancer Time - time built into the daily schedule to provide remediation opportunities, and enrichment programs
- Leadership Opportunities - Good Buddies, Student Council Association, National Junior Honor Society, Sources of Strength (Peer Leaders)
- Literary Arts Program - Whirlwind Literary Magazine, The Longfellow Lead newspaper, and Reflector yearbook
- Performing Arts - Award winning band, chorus, and orchestra programs
- Positivity Project – lessons on Character Development given every week through Lancer Time.
- Sources of Strength - school-wide program designed to activate and mobilize the strengths of our students and faculty in ways that positively change individuals and the community
- Student Recognition Programs - Henry's Heroes Program, Year End Awards Ceremonies, Most Improved Students Awards, All A Honor Roll
- Summer Programs - Jump Start to Success program to help students develop skills necessary for success in middle school and beyond
- Television Production - Twice daily student-run news program offering the latest information around the school
- Theatre Program - productions in the fall and spring
Last Updated: 2019-10-25 |
Business Partnership |
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Attendance Area |
This school is part of Region 2 and the Mclean High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.