Flint Hill Elementary School
2444 Flint Hill Rd, Vienna, VA 22181
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    U.S. Patent No. 6,915,286 
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Eben Montaquila
[email protected]

School Summary

Flint Hill Elementary School, nestled in the heart of Vienna, VA, fosters a vibrant and nurturing learning environment for students in grades K-6. Dedicated to academic excellence, social-emotional well-being, and character development, Flint Hill empowers each child to reach their full potential. 

Flint Hill provides a challenging curriculum aligned with Virginia's standards to equip students with the knowledge and skills to soar, while the PRIME (Privacy, Respect, Integrity, Mindfulness, and Engagement) motto fosters a strong sense of community, responsibility, and respect. 

Enriching programs like outdoor learning, music, art, physical education, and FLES (Spanish), all guided by experienced and passionate teachers who tailor learning to individual needs. After-school clubs, events, and programs ignite curiosity and engagement, making Flint Hill more than just academics. 

Flint Hill offers a unique outdoor learning environment that extends beyond the four walls of a classroom. Students engage in hands-on activities in the school’s courtyard, exploring nature, cultivating the school garden, and caring for a flock of friendly chickens and ducks! This program fosters a deeper connection to the environment, promotes teamwork, and provides valuable lessons in responsibility and sustainability. 

To aid and enhance their daily learning and in preparation for life beyond FCPS schools, students are taught to responsibly and effectively use technology in their daily studies.  Every student at Flint Hill Elementary is assigned a laptop to ensure easy access for collaboration, interactive learning, creativity, and word processing. 

Recognized for its excellence and commitment to character education, Flint Hill fosters a collaborative spirit, actively involving parents and the community to create a truly supportive learning environment.  

Last Updated: 2024-02-07

Enrollment Enrollment as of February 202425: 616
Grades K-6
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2024-02-07
Special Features
  • Weekly newsletters from both the school and classrooms to update families on instruction and classroom events
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Virginia State Readers Program
  • Purple Heart School
  • Multi-Tier Student Support System
  • Numerous after-school PTA-sponsored programs
  • Parent Education Programs
  • Project-Based Learning (K-6)
  • POG POL (Portrait of a Graduate Presentations of Learning) 
  • Safety Patrols
  • Student Government Association
  • Student Buddies
  • Teacher Mentors
  • Responsive Classroom
  • SACC center for before and after school care 
  • 4x Eco School Green Flag Winner 
  • Member of the Vienna Tysons Regional Chamber of Commerce and Vienna/Madison Community Coalition 
Last Updated: 2024-02-07
Business Partnership
Attendance Area

This school is part of Region 1 and the Madison High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.