Sleepy Hollow Elementary School
3333 Sleepy Hollow Rd, Falls Church, VA 22044
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    U.S. Patent No. 6,915,286 
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Mirnaly Vega
[email protected]

School Summary

Sleepy Hollow was built in 1954 on the site of former Fort Buffalo, one of several forts in the Seven Corners area used during the Civil War. Sleepy Hollow serves a diverse population representing twelve different languages from around the world.

Sleepy Hollow operates as a Professional Learning Community (PLC). Grade level teams meet weekly, focusing on four critical questions of PLC:

  • What is it that the students need to know and be able to do?
  • How will we know when they learned it?
  • What will we do when they have not learned it?
  • What will we do when they already know it?

During the Collaborative Team meetings, teachers (including special education and ESOL) plan for instruction by identifying essential skills and knowledge within the Virginia Standards of Learning, analyzing student data, and pooling resources for instructional strategies. As a result, the teams build collective efficacy by highlighting strengths and areas of growth by name and need while developing intervention/enrichment groups.

Sleepy Hollow is dedicated to ongoing improvement that brings students and the community forward. Some recent additions which serve our students include the following:

  • Advanced Academic Local Level IV Program (3rd-5th): Provides academically challenging learning experiences that build on individual strengths and optimize abilities using the nine critical and creative strategies: Questioning, Fluency/ Originality/ Flexibility/ Elaboration, Visualization, Mind Mapping, Point-of-View, Analogies, Encapsulation, Decisions and Outcomes, Plus /Minus/ Interest
  • Library: Battle of the Books: An incentive program for Va. Reader’s Choice and Maker’s Space: Hands-on learning relating to lessons.
  • 1:1 Laptop Initiative: Implemented in second through fifth grades, with an emphasis on blended learning across the curriculum.
  • Literacy Collaborative (K-2): Comprehensive, research-based school literacy model using teacher training, feedback and student data to form instruction, direct implementation, and evaluate results. 
  • Odyssey of the Mind: An after-school program that encourages creative problem-solving in teams, in order to build self-confidence and develop life skills.
  • Outdoor Classroom: An opportunity for students to learn through inquiry and hands-on experiences aligned with FCPS science, math, reading, and writing curriculum.
  • Reading Recovery: Intensive, 1-1 reading lessons with 1st grade students, 30 minutes a day with a literacy teacher, 12 to 20 weeks.
  • Responsive Classroom: An educational approach in which teachers create safe and engaging learning communities within their classrooms; where all students have a sense of belonging.
  • STEAM: (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics): A problem-based approach to learning which includes inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking.

We are fortunate to have an active PTA that supports the vision and mission of our school, making generous contributions supporting teachers as classroom volunteers, field trip chaperones, and library support. In addition, extracurricular opportunities, such as the Dolphin Fun Zone which is organized by the PTA, offer students a range of educational after-school enrichment classes designed to strengthen student interests and talents.

As a community of learners, we are dedicated to helping students succeed beyond the classroom. Goals for our students align to the Fairfax County’s Portrait of a Graduate. We will work together with the families and community building student knowledge and skills to produce good communicators/collaborators, ethical/global citizens, critical/creative thinkers, and goal-directed/resilient individuals who promise a bright future for all of us.

Last Updated: 2019-05-16

Enrollment Enrollment as of February 202425: 461
Grades K-5
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2022-01-14
Special Features
  • Advanced Academic Opportunities
  • Enhanced Autism
  • Foreign Language in the Elementary School (FLES) for Grades 1-5 in Arabic Language
  • Partners-in-Print
  • Professional Learning Community
  • Project LIFT (Literacy Is For Tomorrow) for students in grades 3-5 
  • PTA Dolphin Fun Zone - PTA supported by staff offer a range of educational after school enrichment classes designed to support school work, and enrich student interests and talents.
  • PTA-sponsored enrichment and extra-curricular activities
  • Responsive Classroom
  • Science Fair
  • Virginia Readers' Choice
  • Waterford Phonemic Awareness Computer System - Kindergarten
  • WSHES - Daily televised news program, produced by students with staff support to share national, local, and community news and events.
Last Updated: 2019-05-15
Business Partnership
Attendance Area

This school is part of Region 2 and the Justice High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.