Wakefield Forest Elementary School
4011 Iva Ln, Fairfax, VA 22032
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    U.S. Patent No. 6,915,286 
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Sharyn Prindle
[email protected]

School Summary

Wakefield Forest Elementary School is a small school nestled within a stable residential community located off Little River Turnpike, west of the Capital Beltway. Since its opening in 1955, the school has maintained a proud reputation for excellence and is known for its warm climate and strong community involvement.

Wakefield Forest's mission is to inspire, enable, and empower students to meet high academic standards, lead ethical lives, and demonstrate responsible citizenship. Wakefield Forest staff members are dedicated professionals with a commitment to on-going staff development. Our teachers are well versed in meeting the needs of all learners through differentiated practices. Flexible grouping in math and language arts are a standard practice for all grade levels.

A shared commitment to excellence is the grounding for a strong home/school connection. Communication about instructional goals and student progress is achieved through Blackboard 24-7, Twitter, newsletters, conferences, phone calls and emails.

Parents and guardians play a very active role at Wakefield Forest; their support helps to expand and enrich learning experiences. Volunteers can be seen supporting in a variety of ways, such as welcoming visitors, reading with students, running special activities or assisting in classrooms and the library.

Last Updated: 2019-02-01

Enrollment Enrollment as of February 202425: 625
Grades K-6
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2022-10-19
Special Features
  • Fitness Focus: Fifth/Sixth Grade Kickball Game, Field Day, Fun Run
  • Full time Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART)
  • Innovation Hour for kindergarten through fourth graders weekly
  • Mindfulness Program
  • Morning News Show - produced by fifth and sixth grade students
  • Newcomer/Buddy Family Programs for new students and families
  • Outdoor Classroom
  • Positivity Project Partner School - supporting character education
  • PTA sponsored events include: Donuts with Dad, Muffins with Mom, Reflections, BINGO Night, Movie Nights, Restaurant Nights, Cultural Arts Assemblies, Field Trips, Spelling Bee, Ice Cream Social, Auction (Parent Social)
  • PTA sponsored extra-curricular activities include: Foreign Language Experience (FLEX), Odyssey of the Mind (OM), Drama Club, Robotics, Basketball "Hoops", Reflections, Yoga, Chess Club, Running with the Pack, Martial Arts, Girls on the Run.
  • Robust band, strings, chorus and music programs
  • School-wide implementation of a Positive Behavior Approach (PBA) with a blending of Responsive Classroom and Positive Behavior Support (PBS) - to develop a caring, respectful school community
  • Sixth Grade Basketball Game and Talent Show
  • STEAM lab weekly for all students kindergarten through sixth grade
  • Technology: SMARTBoards and mounted projectors in K-6 classrooms and special education rooms, ratio of 1 laptop for every student in the school
    Walking/running track - with before and after school running programs
  • Weekly elective program for fifth and sixth grade students (previous examples: Innovation Hour, French, Italian, Spanish, photography, book club, team sports, AMC 8 Math, musical theater, Brain Games, team sports, modern dance, Running with the Pack, When It's You in an Emergency)
Last Updated: 2019-02-01
Business Partnership
Attendance Area This school is part of Region 5 and the Woodson High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.