Rolling Valley Elementary School
6703 Barnack Dr, Springfield, VA 22152
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    U.S. Patent No. 6,915,286 
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Veronica Del Bagno
[email protected]

School Summary

Rolling Valley Elementary School is home to the Rockin' Robins. Parents, staff, and community work together to provide a positive, supportive, and caring atmosphere where students feel comfortable and come to school ready to learn. Students thrive in the culturally diverse population with general education, special education, and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programs. Instruction is provided through a continuum of services integrated appropriately for the individual needs of each student. An inclusive environment and a focus on the whole child provides the foundation for everything we do.

Ensuring excellence for every child requires high academic expectations from a community of learners. Solid instruction is provided through teacher use of researched best practices and strategies that support student-centered learning. Ongoing student assessment and continuing school-based staff development provide a winning combination that keeps success at the forefront. In addition to classroom instruction, students welcome opportunities to participate in activities such as the band, chorus, strings, Patrols, GEMS, the Cribbage Club, and SCA Spirit Days. Regular parent communication through conferences, newsletters, News you Choose, Facebook and Twitter keeps parents informed as partners in their child's education.

Technological prowess is paramount for active citizenship in the twenty-first century. Portable mobile laptop carts and laptop computers are available to supplement classroom computer stations. The media center/library is equipped with computer stations, a closed-circuit broadcasting studio, and computerized checkout. SMARTboards, which are used to enhance teacher instruction and engage interactive student participation, are included in every classroom.

An active PTA supports student achievement and the education of the whole child by sponsoring after-school and before school programs such as Zumba and computer coding.  Business partners provide mentors and role models for students. Volunteers from the school community are visible in classrooms and workrooms throughout the school day and assist with school-wide events. This cooperative effort among the involved parent neighborhood, the school-business partnerships, the extended community, and the school, nurtures the love of learning for all students at Rolling Valley.

Last Updated: 2019-08-09

Enrollment Enrollment as of January 202425: 524
Grades K-6
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2022-01-14
Special Features
  • Before-school and after-school PTA sponsored activities
  • Cribbage Club
  • Curriculum Nights
  • Daily Student Produced News Show
  • Geography Bee
  • Global Classroom
  • Health Fair
  • International Night
  • Laps for Learning Fun Run
  • Positive Behavior Approach to Student Behavior
  • Positivity Project
  • Read-In Days and Author Visits
  • Responsive Classroom
  • Safety Patrols
  • Take-Home Reading program
Last Updated: 2019-08-09
Business Partnership
Attendance Area

This school is part of Region 4 and the West Springfield High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.