Clermont Elementary School
5720 Clermont Dr, Alexandria, VA 22310
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    U.S. Patent No. 6,915,286 
Publication Schedule              Printer-Friendly Version      
Roxanne Salata
[email protected]

School Summary

Clermont Elementary School is a Professional Learning Community with a tradition of academic excellence for 50 years. Our school strives to prepare students for life and work in the 21st century. The mission of Clermont Elementary School is to create and maintain a safe learning environment that encourages high academic performance for every student by offering them a rigorous and relevant education supported by partnerships with parents and the community.

Our C.A.R.E. Character Education program provides our students with a model for good citizenship and civic responsibility by teaching the true meaning of our four core values: Caring, Acceptance, Responsibility, and Effort.

The FCPS Program of Studies at each grade level offers active learning and differentiated instruction that meet the individual learning styles of each student. Advanced Academics, FLES (Chinese), Young Scholars, ESOL and Special Education programs help provide academic rigor and instructional support as needed.

In order to provide our students with skills needed for the 21st century, Clermont has made technology a focus for both students and teachers. iPads, Smart boards, mobile labs, classroom computers, and our digital lab make it easy for teachers to continuously integrate technology with student instruction.

At Clermont, we are committed to educating the whole child. Our specials teachers are committed to working collaboratively with classroom teachers to integrate music, art, and fitness into grade level Programs of Studies. Students can elect to participate in chorus, band and strings instruction in grades 4-6. Our chorus performs annually at community events and at our winter and spring concerts along with our band and strings.

A strong sense of community spirit is woven into our school culture. Our parents and business partnership support our students, teachers, and staff by providing increased resources that support enrichment, remediation, and extracurricular programs and clubs. Throughout the school year, the Clermont PTA enriches and expands our students' learning through their support of the learning garden, grade level field trips, an after school enrichment program, and school assemblies.

Last Updated: 2019-02-01

Enrollment Enrollment as of December 202425: 549
Grades K-6
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2022-10-19
Special Features
  • FCPS Wilton Woods
Last Updated: 2019-02-01
Business Partnership
Attendance Area This school is part of Region 3 and the Edison High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.