Fort Hunt Elementary School
8832 Linton Ln, Alexandria, VA 22308
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    U.S. Patent No. 6,915,286 
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Jean Consolla
[email protected]

School Summary

Nestled in a bend of the Potomac River on land once owned by George Washington, Fort Hunt Elementary prides itself on both our rich history and our forward thinking in providing a world class instructional program.

At Fort Hunt we strive to meet or exceed current Virginia Standards of Learning and Fairfax County Program of Studies grade-level requirements. The Fort Hunt staff educates a diverse population of students in an inclusive setting while providing meaningful and enriching instructional lessons for each child. FHES utilizes the workshop model in math and language arts.

The staff at Fort Hunt believes in educating the whole child with a strong emphasis on social emotional learning. FHES is a place where all students belong. Many opportunities are offered, including a strings program that begins in third grade and a band program that begins in fourth grade. Fort Hunt is a Purple Star School and boasts an active PTA.

Fort Hunt offers a Spanish language partial-immersion program in grades K through 6, which draws students from both inside and outside of the school boundaries. This optional program gives students the opportunity to gain a command of the Spanish language while being taught math, science, and health in Spanish only during the school day. Social studies, language arts, and all other subjects are taught in English.

Once a Fox, always a Fox!

Last Updated: 2021-08-19

Enrollment Enrollment as of January 202425: 544
Grades K-6
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2022-01-14
Special Features
  • SCA Student Government Grades 4-6
  • Patrols Grades 5-6
  • Band Grades 4-6
  • Chorus grades 4-6
  • Strings Grades 3-6
  • Fox Chimes Grades 5-6
  • Spelling Bee Grades 4-6
  • Fox News Grades 5-6
  • Responsive Classrooms
  • Peer Mediators Grade 6
  • Math Olympiad
  • WordMasters
  • World Drumming
  • National Geographic Geography Bee
Last Updated: 2019-02-01
Business Partnership
Attendance Area

This school is part of Region 3 and the West Potomac High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.