Sunrise Valley Elementary School
10824 Cross School Rd, Reston, VA 20191
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    U.S. Patent No. 6,915,286 
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Ashley Younger
[email protected]

School Summary

Sunrise Valley Elementary School, located in the community of Reston, is founded on providing students a strong instructional program that enables them to become independent learners and problem solvers. The SVES community maintains high expectations for all students. SVES students become readers and writers able to use these tools for reflection, learning, and enjoyment. Mathematically, students not only learn to compute efficiently and effectively, they learn to use mathematical understanding to solve real world problems. In science, teachers foster a curiosity about the world, help students understand experimental design and learn how to find answers to their many questions. Social studies is designed to help students build background knowledge, encourage historical thinking, learn about world cultures, and make connections between the past and the present.

Sunrise Valley utilizes ‘Responsive Classroom’ strategies to support the emotional and social development of our students so they can thrive academically. Technology is integrated as a learning tool throughout core instruction. Students have access to mobile labs, classroom computers, and a computer lab. All teachers have digital cameras, LCD projectors, and laptops. All classrooms have integrated projectors to make learning more interactive. The visual and performing arts are integral to the instructional program, and students in each grade level have opportunities to perform and share their talent. The media center is the heart of the school and serves as a valuable resource for all students. Children have numerous opportunities to perform community service, and sixth grade students assume important leadership responsibilities throughout the school.

Parents volunteer in all aspects of the school. The school is a community of learners in which teachers, students, and parents learn together to provide opportunities for high academic achievement, personal success, and responsibility for learning. Sunrise Valley believes that all students learn from their strengths and work to provide all students with opportunities to feel successful. As a result, we value collaboration over competition.

Hand in Hand with the Community: Sunrise Valley forms a circle in which all children shine.

Last Updated: 2019-11-01

Enrollment Enrollment as of February 202425: 561
Grades K-6
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2022-01-14
Special Features
  • Governor's VIP Award for Educational Excellence
  • Impact Inquiry School Program K-6
  • PTA Sponsored before school activities
Last Updated: 2019-11-01
Business Partnership
Attendance Area

This school is part of Region 1 and the South Lakes High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.