Hunters Woods Elementary School for the Arts and Sciences
2401 Colts Neck Rd, Reston, VA 20191
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    U.S. Patent No. 6,915,286 
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Emily Cope
[email protected]

School Summary

Hunters Woods Elementary School for the Arts and Sciences is a proud neighbor in the Greater-Reston community.  Our dedicated and active PTA provides students, staff and parents with support throughout the year.

Mission: Empower all learners for success.  
Vision: To be a model of collaborative instruction infused by the arts and sciences.  
Core Values: advocacy, safety, confidence, respect, honesty, compassion, responsibility, curiosity, differentiation and having a global worldview

Students participating in the arts and sciences magnet program, neighborhood students and those enrolled in the Level IV Advanced Academic Program make up our Hunters Woods community of "Mighty Mustangs".  ALL of our students benefit from and have access to the enriched curriculum and enhanced environment of the school.

Through Responsive Instruction, Responsive Classroom strategies, arts integration, STEAM and Project Based Learning (PBL) opportunities we work to promote a collaborative family of learners, focusing on innovations in teaching and learning. The staff at Hunters Woods is committed to weaving the arts throughout the curriculum.

Grade level signature events include: Wonderfest, Tableau Night, The Living History Museum, Global Awareness Technology Project, and Student Theater Arts Reflection Spectacular: an original, student-created production performed in partnership with George Mason University.

Last Updated: 2019-02-01

Enrollment Enrollment as of February 202425: 724
Grades Preschool, K-6
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2022-10-19
Special Features
  •  Band at Grade 4
  • George Mason University professional development school
  • Strings at Grade 3
Last Updated: 2019-02-01
Business Partnership
Attendance Area This school is part of Region 1 and the South Lakes High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.