Franklin Middle School
3300 Lees Corner Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151
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    U.S. Patent No. 6,915,286 
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Tom DeRusso
[email protected]

School Summary

Franklin Middle School opened its doors on August 27, 1984, to serve the rapidly growing western area of Fairfax County. Middle school instructional teams include teachers, counselors, and administrators who serve groups of approximately 140 students. The team structure provides each student an identity group within the larger school population and facilitates strong academic, social, and emotional support for every individual.

Franklin has been designated as a Governor's School of Educational Excellence since 2007 when from the original awards inception. The award is the highest honor under the Virginia Index of Performance (VIP) incentive program created by the Board of Education to advance Virginia's "competence to excellence" agenda to encourage advanced learning and achievement in the Commonwealth's public schools.

Franklin has a large honors program of studies. Instructional programs include a challenging math curriculum; 8th grade students participate in Finance Park. English and social studies instruction capitalizes on interdisciplinary opportunities and emphasizes reading, writing, and technology-enhanced multimedia presentations that are viable in real-world work settings. Science instruction for grade 7 environmental studies and an investigation-based exploration of the properties of the physical world at grade 8. At both grades, students use hand-held data collection technologies. Our on-site wetlands provide a living laboratory experience and support of the middle school exploratory curriculum.

Included with our rich academic program, Franklin students complete an elective choice of an introduction to visual arts, speech and drama, world languages and cultures, synergistic technology, and reading and mathematics focused support classes, including Read 180 and Language!. We are a Blue Ribbon School for our Music programs. Highly motivated students and faculty members regularly receive awards for exceptional academic and artistic accomplishments. We have a very active after-school program which offers academic and recreational opportunities for all students.

Our school's motto is "Franklin - Where Ideas are Invented." Students, faculty, and families share in this tradition of academic, enrichment, citizenship, and responsibility to community.

The school celebrates its strong parent and community support led by the PTA.

Last Updated: 2019-02-01

Enrollment Enrollment as of February 202425: 814
Grades 7-8
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2022-01-14
Special Features
  • After-School Activities and Recreation Program
  • Chantilly Pyramid Minority Student Achievement Committee (CPMSAC) support
  • Falcon Challenge Mentoring Program
  • Falcon Time
  • Google Classroom
  • Honors Geometry
  • Math Counts
  • National Junior Honor Society
  • Peer Mediation and Restorative Justice Practices
  • Power Math and Algebra Readiness Initiative (ARI)
  • Professional Learning Community (PLC) with collaborative teaching teams
  • RAMP Initiatives through Counseling Department
  • READ 180, Responsive Writing, Language!, and focused reading support classes
  • Spanish, level 1 and 2, course sequence
  • Student Technology Team
  • Virginia Board of Education Distinguished Achievement Award 2015
  • Wetlands and on-site rain garden
  • Young Scholars Program
Last Updated: 2019-02-01
Business Partnership
Attendance Area This school is part of Region 5 and the Chantilly High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.