Gunston Elementary School
10100 Gunston Rd, Lorton, VA 22079
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    U.S. Patent No. 6,915,286 
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Kristen Rucinski
[email protected]

School Summary

Gunston Elementary School is located in a beautiful rural area of southern Fairfax County. Its mission is to create a safe learning environment where we work collaboratively as a group of learners so that our students achieve academic success, become responsible citizens who lead ethical lives, and develop a passion for learning.

Students' unique learning styles are addressed through stimulating state-of-the-art technology, a multi-media library and collaborative teaching by an enthusiastic, professional staff. Counselors provide character education that focuses on emotional development and addresses relational issues such as bullying and respecting one another's diversity.

For more than fifty years, the Gunston Elementary greater community has demonstrated pride in the school and interest in student learning. As a result, several partnerships have been established, culminating in stimulating, distinctive programs. Students' excitement to learn is greatly enhanced by special learning projects at Gunston Hall Plantation, an evening tutoring program at Pohick Episcopal Church, outreach programs through the Bureau of Land Management, science-based learning opportunities provided by EnviroSolutions and adult mentors for students through the Mentorworks program. In addition to enhancing student learning, these programs foster students' pride in their community.

The school is also fortunate to have a supportive, caring Parent Teacher Association (PTA) that ensures ample, wholesome activities for students, parents and the community. Some of the sponsored activities include Halloween Bingo, holiday gift shop, Valentine Bingo, International Night, Fun Fair, cultural arts assemblies, and field trips. The PTA provides enrichment to the school environment through gifts such as a climbing wall for the gym and computer technology for classrooms. Volunteers support learning in numerous ways throughout the school, increasing the amount of time each student can benefit from an adult's one-to-one guidance.

Gunston Elementary staff and parents see students individually and strive to help each one reach his or her potential. Student leadership opportunities are strongly supported and encouraged. SCA, patrols, student-produced morning news show, peer mediators, student musical performances, and the science club are examples that are sponsored both during and after school.

The school mascot, an eagle, provides an on-going symbol of reaching new heights.  Teachers, administrators, and parents work closely to determine school objectives, implement programs, and monitor student achievement. The school motto, "Where Every Eagle Soars," represents our commitment to provide a quality education for every child.

Last Updated: 2019-02-01

Enrollment Enrollment as of January 202425: 536
Grades Preschool, K-6
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2022-01-14
Special Features
  • Business-school partnerships with Gunston Hall Plantation, Bureau of Land Management and EnviroSolutions
  • Gunston Partners tutoring program at Pohick Episcopal Church
  • Parent Liaison
  • Mentorworks
  • PTA sponsored After-School Enrichment Program
  • WGES-student led morning news show
Last Updated: 2019-02-01
Business Partnership
Attendance Area

This school is part of Region 6 and the Hayfield High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.