Fairview Elementary School
5815 Ox Rd, Fairfax Station, VA 22039
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    U.S. Patent No. 6,915,286 
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Samantha Goldstein
[email protected]

School Summary

Fairview Elementary School has a bountiful history beginning in 1899. The space in which the original one-room schoolhouse stood is currently used as our POD or multi-purpose space for learning together in groups. Its roots are deep and its branches are strong. Countless students have emerged from its halls to become involved and productive citizens throughout the world. Fairview has a tradition of educational excellence where community and school, together, support and foster student success in a nurturing environment. We continue the proud heritage and fine tradition.

Fairview provides a caring and challenging learning environment where students feel comfortable and come to school ready to learn. Individual potential is developed with an emphasis on intellectual curiosity using critical and creative, higher-order thinking. Students grow and learn in a culturally-rich population with English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Instruction is provided through a continuum of services integrated appropriately for the individual needs of general education students, students with varying degrees of learning challenges, as well as students requiring academically advanced programs.

Fairview's high academic expectations challenge students to extend and refine learning. Collaboration among highly-qualified teachers incorporating active teacher leadership and staff development of researched, best teaching practices provides instruction for individual student success. Opportunities for expression of cultural diversity and an appreciation for the uniqueness of each student are encouraged and included in the curriculum. Learning by serving others within the community is an integral part of the instructional foundation at Fairview. The Foreign Language in the Elementary Schools (FLES) program teaches conversational Spanish to K-6 students during the school day. Students are also provided opportunities to participate in a myriad of activities such as band, strings, patrols, Student Council (SCA), and student ambassadors. Additionally, students have opportunities to participate in numerous before and after school clubs and classes sponsored by the PTA.

In alignment with the FCPS Portrait of a Graduate skills, Fairview is focused on creating a student-centered learning environment in every classroom. All students use technology tools daily within their classrooms to support their learning, exploration, and research of new ideas. They use an assortment of programs and applications to communicate, collaborate, and think critically as they develop creative solutions to authentic problems.

Students from each class engage in a monthly “Classroom Chatter” by publishing blogs, videos, and/or slideshows depicting what they have learned. Parents can access these creative communications on the Classroom Chatter tab in the Fairview Student Centered Learning Blackboard Course.

Support for student success and the education of the whole child comes in many forms. The Fairview PTA sponsors after-school programs, family evenings, cultural and educational assembly programs, as well as support for identified school initiatives. Volunteers from the school community are visible in classrooms and workrooms throughout the school day and into the evening hours. The cooperative effort among the involved parent neighborhood, the extended community, and the school creates a place where students grow and learn in a community that cares.

Last Updated: 2019-02-01

Enrollment Enrollment as of February 202425: 766
Grades K-6
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2022-10-19
Special Features
  • 5th and 6th grade theatrical music performances
  • Communication lab for student broadcasts
  • Curriculum Nights
  • Enhanced Autism
  • Field Day
  • Goodwill Ambassador Counselors
  • Heritage Night
  • Junior Great Books (teachers and volunteers trained)
  • Mystery Readers
  • National Wildlife Bronze Medal Award
  • Outdoor Learning Program
  • PBA (Positive Behavior Approach)
  • Peer Buddy Program
  • PTA after-school programs (art, sports, chess, and FLEX)
  • PTA Family Fun Events
  • Reading Buddies
  • Responsive Classroom Morning Meetings
  • Running clubs for boys and girls after school
  • Spanish FLES
  • Student Council Association
  • Student Peer Mediation and Conflict Resolution
  • Student-Student Mentor Program
  • Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students)
Last Updated: 2019-02-01
Business Partnership
Attendance Area This school is part of Region 4 and the Robinson High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.