Hunt Valley Elementary School
7107 Sydenstricker Rd, Springfield, VA 22152
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    U.S. Patent No. 6,915,286 
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Keieownna Hightower
[email protected]

School Summary

Hunt Valley Elementary School was established in 1969 and underwent an extensive renovation in 1996. Our school is in Region 4 and within the West Springfield HS Pyramid which feeds into Irving Middle and West Springfield HS. Hunt Valley serves over 700 children in kindergarten through grade six. Hunt Valley is very proud to be among the few schools in Virginia that have been recognized for several years with the Governor's Award for Educational Excellence and the Distinguished Achievement Award. Our staff members are dedicated to the success of each student. We offer a variety of instructional enrichment and intervention strategies during the school day to support all students with their unique learning needs. 

Technology is an integral part of our teaching strategies at Hunt Valley. It is essential that students become creative and critical thinkers; are able to collaborate, create, and effectively communicate; and are responsible, self-directed, global citizens.  To achieve this, teachers use a variety of technology tools to engage children in their studies.  Google Apps for Education is being used in many classrooms to achieve these goals.  Students in grades 3-6 are assigned individual laptops for school use. Our computer lab is used by grades K-2 weekly to build technology skills.  Digital citizenship skills are incorporated in all areas of technology use in the school. 

Our positive behavior approach was created to suit the needs of our school. All Hunt Valley students are expected to demonstrate Helpfulness, Accountability, Wise Choices, Kindness, and Safety for All (HAWKS) in their classrooms as well as in the cafeteria, on the playground, in the hallways, and on the bus. The development of responsibility and respect for self, others, and the community are school-wide priorities. Acceptance of cultural diversity and a positive school climate continue to be emphasized.

Hunt Valley has an active PTA that meets on the first Thursdays of each month. Parents and volunteers are always invited to take an active part in school activities and PTA events. Hunt Valley is fortunate to have a community that supports our school's dedication to excellence and continuous improvement for our students and staff.

Hunt Valley Elementary School  "Explore, Achieve, Empower"

Last Updated: 2019-09-17

Enrollment Enrollment as of February 202425: 732
Grades K-6
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2022-10-19
Special Features
  • Advanced Math Program (grades 3-6)
  • Band (grades 5-6)
  • Chorus (grades 5-6)
  • Enhanced Autism Program
  • GLOBAL Language Program
  • Learning Disabilities Program
  • Mentoring Program
  • Patrols (grades 5-6)
  • Peer Mediation
  • PTA sponsored Family-Fun events
  • Responsive Classroom Morning Meetings
  • STEAM Lab
  • Strings (grades-4-6)
  • Student Council Association
  • Student-run TV News Show
  • Various after school programs (Chess, Run Fit Kidz, etc.)
Last Updated: 2019-09-17
Business Partnership
Attendance Area

This school is part of Region 4 and the West Springfield High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.