Providence Elementary School
3616 Jermantown Rd, Fairfax, VA 22030
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    U.S. Patent No. 6,915,286 
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Andrew Pratt
[email protected]

School Summary

Providence Elementary School is one of two elementary schools located within the City of Fairfax. This unique situation allows Providence to enjoy the benefits of both FCPS and the City.

The school community is proud of its diversity with over 50 languages represented. Providence is a Responsive Classroom school where each teacher uses specific, daily practices to build community and kindness in their classrooms. We also offer Local Level IV Advanced Academics, starting in grade 3 in 2018-19, grades 3 and 4 in 2019-20, grades 3-5 in 2020-21, and grades 3-6 in 2021-22.

The school has a focus on enrichment for all students, and this is expressed through initiatives such as Mandarin Chinese instruction to all students in Kindergarten -6th grades, the commitment of the Providence staff to teach all students to think more deeply and critically, and the special opportunities for learning Portrait of a Graduate skills through engineering challenges in their award-winning STEAM Lab and in the classroom.

Last Updated: 2019-02-01

Enrollment Enrollment as of February 202425: 953
Grades Preschool, K-6
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2022-01-14
Special Features
  • Engineering-Themed STEM Lab Program for K-6
  • A Focus on Teaching Critical Thinking Skills
  • George Mason University Professional Development School
  • Responsive Classroom School
  • Foreign Language: Mandarin Chinese in grades 1-6
  • Advanced Math Classes in grades 3-6
  • Early Morning, After-School & Summer Learning Experiences
  • Annual Family Heritage Celebration
  • Service Learning Programs
  • Outdoor Courtyard Learning Space
  • Multiple Programs to Support Families
Last Updated: 2019-02-01
Business Partnership
Attendance Area This school is part of Region 5 and the Fairfax High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.