School SummaryLake Braddock offers students an education in state-of-the-art classrooms where technology supports a commitment and tradition of academic excellence. Lake Braddock's instructional programs are designed to empower students to be academically competitive in a constantly changing world. Our school curriculum is committed to helping our diverse student body discover talents, increase competence, develop imagination, and expand academic and personal horizons.
These instructional programs are based on the philosophy that all students can learn but recognize that students learn differently. With high expectations for all, our staff works in a collaborative manner to meet the needs of every student and create an environment where learning is inclusive, relevant, and fosters active participation.
Lake Braddock's SAT scores are above the national average, and 95 percent of our students go to a two or four year college or university. Advanced Placement courses are offered in every major discipline, and honors classes are also available to challenge and prepare underclassmen for the rigors of the AP curriculum. Currently, Lake Braddock is ranked by U. S. News and World Report as a Gold Medal School, ranked in the top 2 percent of all high schools in the United States. The Student Services Department collaborates with students, parents, and staff members to help students achieve the highest level of academic success. Working with students on post-secondary planning such as college and career counseling is a major priority.
An extensive and varied electives program expands concepts presented in core classes and offers opportunities for exploration in the fine and practical arts, business, and technology disciplines. Extracurricular, community, and athletic activities allow students to explore interests and grow socially. Many programs have a volunteer component to support additional exploration and social growth, as service learning is a major component in our plan for continuous school improvement.
The Lake Braddock community is committed to providing a safe and healthy learning environment, with a focus on our five core values of compassion, commitment, responsibility, respect, and integrity. Lake Braddock Secondary School is a school where the dream for success for all students becomes reality.
Last Updated: 2019-02-01