Spring Hill Elementary School
8201 Lewinsville Rd, McLean, VA 22102
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    U.S. Patent No. 6,915,286 
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Amy Briggs
[email protected]

School Summary

Spring Hill Elementary School is proud to host an incredibly diverse & welcoming community of learners, including families who represent over 52 birth countries speaking over 43 languages.  Known as ¿Panthers," we embrace the attributes of the FCPS Portrait of a Graduate (POG) to support the future readiness of all our learners, with each grade level identifying and building portfolios related to a specific POG skill.  Through embracing the skills of Portrait of a Graduate, we embed innovation and engaging instructional opportunities to prepare students to be productive and successful citizens in a global community.

Spring Hill Elementary School is dedicated to its educational partnership with the community it serves. Parents and staff members share a common commitment to help students develop and grow socially, emotionally, physically, and academically. An incredibly important component of Spring Hill's success lies with our parents and community volunteers. Our community pledges thousands of hours each year, supporting the goals of our school.  Staff members nurture each child's sense of self-worth with high expectations and realistic standards of achievement. Spring Hill was awarded the Highest Achievement Award for Academic Excellence in 2023 and is fully accredited by the Virginia Department of Education based on our consistently high Standards of Learning (SOL) scores over the last several years.

Spring Hill Elementary School is dedicated to the notion that every child's journey as a lifelong learner is varied and, at times, must be nurtured individually. Teachers work together in collaborative learning teams (CLTs) to ensure that every individual child reaches his or her full academic potential. Some of the techniques used to reach this goal are differentiated small-group instruction, explicit word study and phonics instruction, and an emphasis on creative problem-solving, critical thinking, and written expression. Student technology skills are mastered via an integrated approach throughout the various subject areas. As a result of the school's academic excellence and rigor, FCPS division-wide assessments and Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) competency test benchmarks are consistently surpassed at the highest levels of competency. 


Our students come to us with a variety of skills and abilities that are fostered through differentiated instruction.  Spring Hill implements intentional & specialized instruction to meet the needs of our English Language Learners, students with IEPs, and students who require intervention at the Tier 2 and Tier 3 levels.  Student needs are formally identified through our structured Multi-Tiered Systems of Support processes.  

In addition, Spring Hill provides instruction for learners who are able to extend beyond their grade level content and require enrichment through creative and critical thinking (CCT) lessons. With the support of our Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART), teachers can plan and deliver instruction utilizing resources from a variety of advanced curricula. At Spring Hill, we support advanced learning needs based on a continuum of services. Approximately twenty percent of our student population receives full-time Advanced Academic services, and an additional nine percent participate in part-time advanced opportunities. All students in grades kindergarten through six receive a minimum of two advanced curriculum experiences per quarter in addition to regularly implemented critical and creative thinking lessons. Our teachers are trained to provide extensions across all content areas and enrich student experiences by utilizing frameworks for depth and complexity.


Spring Hill's partnership with families stands out as the most important element in fostering student achievement and overall school success. With almost 950 students, our commitment to getting to know each child, their backgrounds, and cultures is unwavering. We are intentional in surrounding our newest families with support. Our parent liaison and parent ambassadors are instrumental in connecting families to our school community. Our Student Ambassador program allows students to serve as leaders who are a `friendly face¿ each time a new student arrives at our school.


Spring Hill is a place many call their `second home.¿ It is a place of warmth, joy, and celebrations where every student is made to feel special. We truly are a big school with a small community feel and a big heart.

Last Updated: 2024-07-31

Enrollment Enrollment as of February 202425: 999
Grades K-6
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2022-01-14
Special Features
  • After-school enrichment opportunities including "Jump Rope for Heart," foreign language classes, Chess Club, dance, ping-pong, basketball, service clubs, and drama
  • Conservatory Band in grades 4-6
  • Counseling programs including Student Ambassadors, Parent University, Parent Ambassadors and Special Needs Parent Support Group
  • Hour of Code and Digital Citizenship Week participant
  • Level IV Gifted Talented Center Services Grades 3-6
  • National/State recognition for outstanding performance in Continental Math League, Science Olympiad, and WordMasters competitions
  • NWF Silver Award Eco-School
  • Outdoor Classrooms
  • Parent Teacher Organization sponsored programs including Cultural Arts assemblies, Art Appreciation, annual "Taste of Spring Hill" International Feast, and 3K Family Fun Run
  • Read Across America Partner
  • Recipient of Governor's Award for Excellence (2011)
  • Recipient of VA Board of Education Excellence Award (2012 ¿ present)
  • Rock climbing wall
  • School courtyard designated by the National Wildlife Federation as a Living School Yard Habitat
  • Strings/Orchestra in grades 3-6
Last Updated: 2024-07-31
Business Partnership
Attendance Area

This school is part of Region 1 and the Langley High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.