Lake Anne Elementary School
11510 North Shore Dr, Reston, VA 20190
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    U.S. Patent No. 6,915,286 
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Jill Stewart
[email protected]

School Summary

Lake Anne Elementary has served the Reston community since 1966 as an elementary school filled with a joy for educating children. We celebrate our diverse population as we grow together from learning about our differences.  Lake Anne Elementary is fortunate to have students who attend from our surrounding neighborhood, as well as students from other areas in FCPS.  Our robust Spanish Immersion program brings students and families to Lake Anne from all across FCPS. We educate children who access the general education curriculum, special education services, ESOL services, as well as advanced academic instruction. Each of our students matter and matriculate in different ways, at different times, and with different needs.  Our core beliefs are that relationships, rigor, and respect will provide our students with a strong educational foundation.

The Lake Anne Family is comprised of approximately 600 students and their families.  These families come from over 40 countries and speak over 23 different languages.  More than a quarter of our students are English Language Learners.  And close to 49% of our students receive Free and Reduced Meals.  More of our Lake Anne students have remained Lake Anne dolphins since the opening of our Local Level IV Advanced Academics program.

At Lake Anne Elementary, we strive to be a welcoming and inclusive community of resilient learners that provides joyful and equitable learning for everyone by nurturing responsible and innovative global citizens.  Our students begin their journey to become a portrait of a graduate and demonstrate their abilities to be collaborators, communicators, goal-directed and resilient individuals who think ethically and globally.  Our specialists in art, music, library, and physical education focus on this development and improve students' mental and social development while expanding their horizons.  Our Eco School designation and activities enable our students to serve our school community, neighborhood, and

We are proud of our students and celebrate their successes as they sail into greatness.

Last Updated: 2024-02-13

Enrollment Enrollment as of February 202425: 614
Grades Preschool, K-6
FCPS Programs Last Updated: 2022-01-14
Special Features
  • Spanish Immersion Program
  • Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (Full Time)
  • Local Level IV Advanced Academics Program
  • Advanced Math
  • Eco-School (Green Flag Winner)
  • Parent Liaisons (English and Spanish)
  • Partners in Print Family Literacy Education
  • Family Literacy Program
  • Neighborhood School Readiness Collaborative, along with Preschool Programs
  • Mentor Works: Student Mentoring Program
  • Performing Arts: Band in Grades 4-6
  • Performing Arts: Strings in Grades 3-6
  • Performing Arts: Chorus and Instrumental Ensemble in Grades 5-6
  • PTA After-School Programs (e.g. Lego League, Chess, Spanish, etc.)
  • Student-Led News Broadcast Team (WLAS News)
  • Student Ambassadors
  • Girls on the Run
  • Learning Garden and Courtyard
Last Updated: 2024-02-13
Business Partnership
Attendance Area

This school is part of Region 1 and the South Lakes High Pyramid. Enter your street address in the boundary locator to determine which schools your student should attend.